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Kathys Island Retreat

“Where inner peace naturally occurs“

Welcome to Kathy’s Island Retreat, a place perfectly suited for holistic holidays offering a range of opportunities to everyone to experience the path of personal growth.

With us, you can recharge, unwind, enjoy the warm Greek sun and the beautiful beaches, eat tasty and healthy food while finding and enjoying inner peace through uplifting retreats.

Yogis, yoginis, teachers and healers, from all over the world, with or without a group, can visit this unspoilt Greek island and we will offer all the necessary venues and services, for personal retreats, groups and seminars focusing on healthy living and personal growth. While teachers concentrate on teaching their groups, we provide everything else and our visitors enjoy a gorgeous holistic holiday and an authentic Greek island experience.

Our concept is simple. We offer a place where people can come to relax in calm and beautiful surroundings, eat healthily and grow spiritually. Our priority is that our guests go home rested and with the feeling that they have acquired new tools to improve their quality of life. Whether you are a teacher wanting to bring a group, or you want to be a participant in one of our retreats we look forward to hearing from you.

Book your retreat


  • Fullstendigharmoni!
    Torunn Solvang
  • “Unikt og vakkert sted, vekk fra masseturismen. Gir gode muligheter for utvinning, sosialt samvær og personlig vekst”
    Aud Gjessing
  • "Kathy Island Retreat er himmelen på jord! Stedet ligger mellom steinete fjell og blått hav, med forbløffende utsikt og en fredelig miljø. Perfekt for en getaway fra din vanlige travel og stressende liv. Maten var utmerket, rommene var veldig hyggelig og rene, de ansatte var ekstremt varm og imøtekommende, og Kathy er en fantastisk vert. jeg har fått venner for livet i denne retrett og ville jeg hjertelig anbefale det for folk på jakt etter noe annerledes, bort fra store hoteller, luksus, støy, og turister,. bare deg, natur, yoga, og varme mennesker rundt deg Den perfekte yoga retreat "!
    Regina Ortiz
  • "Jeg har hatt en flott uke med sol og bading, nydelig yoga økter og mye velsmakende, sunn mat. Stedet ligger i et vakkert område mellom Finiki og Lefkos, bare noen få hundre meter fra havet. Her finner du fred uten støy fra travle byer. det var en utrolig opplevelse å sovne til lyden av bølgene og havet. jeg tror programmet for uken var virkelig godt organisert. Vi hadde to yoga økter om dagen med en fantastisk yoga lærer, Nina Heiberg. Hun er en inspirerende og jordnær lærer. jeg føler at vi fikk mye ut av yoga uavhengig av vår tidligere erfaring. den SUP yoga var mye moro! Vi hadde en god blanding av aktiviteter og utflukter. Vi besøkte vakre strender og hadde fin lunsjer på restauranter. Kathy Island Retreat var et nydelig sted, og tjenesten var profesjonell og personlig. maten de var helsefokusert, økologiske grønnsaker fra sin egen hage, mye vegetarisk mat og god variasjon. den gjest r Ooms er luftig og fint med en balkong med fantastisk havutsikt - sengene var veldig bra! Jeg kom hjem som et nytt og bedre menneske! Jeg vil sikkert være tilbake!"
    Anne Thoresen
  • Paradis på jord, er en ganske nøyaktig beskrivelse. Fantastiske mennesker, vakre vertinne, hennes vakre assistent og selvfølgelig kokken som kom opp med den mest fantastiske mat. Solen, havet, lagunen. Fjell, luft, mørke og fugler. Plus hane! Og katten .... Topp service på alle måter. Et rom med en utsikt som var en glede å våkne opp til. Anbefalt (6 av 5 stjerner :))
    Solveig Helene Søtorp
  • Jeg anbefaler Kathys Island Retreat med hele mitt hjerte. Stedet, som ligger vakkert til ved foten av fjellet og rett ut i havet, har alt du trenger, i all sin enkelhet. Maten er det beste jeg har spist i Hellas !! Og Kathrine er en fantastisk vertinne. Fem stjerner."
    Ida SofieLunde
  • Det er vanskelig å beskrive med ord hvor vakkert uke på Kathys Island Retreat var. Jeg anbefaler det med hele mitt hjerte. Den beste uka i Hellas jeg noensinne har hatt. Maten er fantastisk, de er fantastiske, og stedet er magisk! Hurra for dette fantastiske stedet! Jeg kommer tilbake!
    Ida Ursin-Holm
  • “Kathy Island Retreat er et paradis som må oppleves”
    Annette Svendsen
  • “Et flott sted, med en flott dame. Her er du i gode hender, og det er et fredelig sted som fungerer som balsam for sjelen”
    Mona Østli
  • Dette er et fantastisk sted med en virkelig god atmosfære og med deilig mat!
    Lisbeth Nyland
  • Herlig! Her du bare ønsker å være. Finne fred, nyte naturen, fantastisk mat, yoga i den frie og varm atmosfære, Kathy og hennes fantastiske ansatte tilbud! I tillegg kan du nyte en full kroppsmassasje i det fri. Hva mer kan du drømme om?
    Monica Olsson
  • Kathy`s Island Retreat er en sann perle! Her kan du slappe av, finne ro, svømme og fottur i de vakre omgivelsene. Jeg hadde en fantastisk uke med yoga og meditasjon og nydelig hjemmelaget gresk mat, den beste greske maten jeg har spist! Kathrine er en vennlig, omtenksom vertinne som tar vare på deg og dine behov. Takkskal du ha!
    Helle Østbye
  • “Unique and beautiful place, away from mass tourism. Gives good possibilities for recovery, social gathering and personal growth”
    Aud Gjessing
  • "Kathy's Island Retreat is heaven on earth! The place is nestled between rocky mountains and blue sea, with astounding views and a peaceful environment. Perfect for a getaway from your usual busy and stressful life. The food was excellent, the rooms were very nice and clean, the staff was extremely warm and attentive, and Kathy is an amazing host. I have made friends for life in this retreat and I would heartily recommend it for people looking for something different, away from big hotels, luxury, noise, and tourists; just you, nature, yoga, and warm people around you. The perfect yoga retreat!"
    Regina Ortiz
  • "I have had a great week with sun and swimming, lovely yoga sessions and a lot of tasty, healthy food. The place is situated in a beautiful area between Finiki and Lefkos, only a few hundred meters from the ocean. Here you find peace without the noise from busy cities. It was an amazing experience to fall asleep to the sound of the waves and the ocean. I think the program for the week was really well organized. We had two yoga sessions a day with an amazing yoga teacher, Nina Heiberg. She is an inspiring and down to earth teacher. I feel that we all got a lot out of the yoga regardless of our previous experience. The SUP yoga was great fun! We had a good mix of activities and excursions. We visited beautiful beaches and had nice lunches at the restaurants. Kathy’s Island Retreat was a lovely place and the service was professional and personal. The food they served was health focused, ecological vegetables from their own garden, a lot of vegetarian food and good variation. The guest rooms are airy and nice with a balcony with amazing sea view - the beds were very good! I came home as a new and better person! I will for sure be back!"
    Anne Thoresen
  • Paradise on earth, is a pretty accurate description. Wonderful people, the beautiful hostess, her lovely assistant and of course the chef who came up with the most amazing food. The sun, the sea, the lagoon. Mountains, air, darkness and birds. Plus rooster! And the cat.... Top service in every way. A room with a view that was a joy to wake up to. Recommended (6 of 5 stars :))
  • I recommend Kathy's Island Retreat with all my heart. The place, which is beautifully situated at the foot of the mountain and straight out to sea, has everything you need, in all its simplicity. The food is the best I've eaten in Greece!! And Kathrine is a wonderful hostess. Five Star."
  • It is hard to describe in words how beautiful the week at Kathy's Island Retreat was. I recommend it with all my heart. The best week in Greece I have ever had. The food is wonderful, the people are wonderful and the place is magical! Hooray for this wonderful place! I'll be back!
  • “Kathy’s Island Retreat is a paradise that has to be experienced”
  • “A wonderful place, with a wonderful lady. Here you are in good hands and it is a peaceful place that works as balm for the soul”
  • This is a wonderful place with a really good atmosphere and with delicious food!
    Lisbeth Nyland
  • Wonderful! Here you just want to be. Find peace, enjoy nature, the amazing food, yoga in the free and warm atmosphere, Kathy and her wonderful staff offers! In addition, you can enjoy a full body massage in the open. What more can you dream about?
    Monica Olsson
  • Kathy`s Island Retreat is a true gem! Here you can relax, find peace, swim and hike in the most beautiful surroundings. I had a fantastic week with yoga and meditation and lovely homemade Greek cuisine, the best Greek food I've eaten! Kathrine is a friendly, caring hostess who takes care of you and your needs. Thank you!
  • Complete harmony!


May 10, 2017

Juicing. Go for it at Kathys Island Retreat!

Juicing! Probably the best way to absorb an abundance of nutrients, detox and get super fit! We love juicing and we would love to share its […]
February 21, 2017


We wanted to bring the experience of gongs to all of our retreats, so we got one of our own. The Sun Gong is known for […]
February 21, 2017

Singing Bowl

Singing Bowls can be quite therapeutic. This summer you can receive the powerful heart healing sounds generated by listening to a pure Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl […]

Services and standards

Here are some of the services and standards you can expect from us. We are continually raising our standards and expanding our services to offer you an even greater experience while staying with us.

Sea View

Wake up to the uninterrupted view of the endless Aegean sea and sleep to the sound of calm waves. All rooms have a gorgeous sea view while there is a choice of two almost private beaches, a small lagoon with turquoise waters and a significantly sized beach only a few minutes’ walk away.


Our in-house masseur, a professionally trained physiotherapist, is a miracle worker with any stresses and strains your body might have. Under the shade of pine trees you have the summer breeze and the hands of a professional, relaxing every muscle.

Detox Juicing

We love juicing and we serve a significant variety of smoothies and juices that are freshly made, energy-boosting, vitamin packed and body cleansing.

Yoga Terrace

If you haven’t tried yoga by the sea, don’t miss your chance. Every asana becomes an opportunity to go deeper in the posture and reconnect with your body.


The retreat is located in an unique location surrounded by mountains, green forests and the blue Aegean sea. This is the secret for its unique energy that all our visitors can’t miss and can’t wait to come back to.

Farm to Table Restaurant

Wherever possible our chef will use produce from our own vegetable garden. Fresh and organic cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, lettuce, basil, herbs and more…

Holiday Rental

Though we mainly focus on arranging Retreats, we are also open to accommodate tourists visiting Karpathos. If you are looking for a special place, with peace and quiet, please contact us to check availability and prices.